NeoData is a data system for Neonatology designed to assist in daily patient management from admission through discharge. It also features options to efficiently generate major NICU patient documentation and reports. NeoData is intended for use by neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners, and ancillary staff in neonatal care units of any size.
Use NeoData to produce major NICU patient documentation, including:
- Admission summaries
- Progress notes
- Discharge summaries
- Procedure Notes
- Report sheets for rounds
- TPN and other fluid orders

Customization: Each NICU is unique, and so is each instance of NeoData. NeoData is highly user-customizable, allowing administrators the ability to change the way NeoData looks and functions to accommodate your workflow and your unique NICU.
Data Tracking: NeoData allows you to add or remove data points from each and every screen.
Need to track a new chemistry value? Using a new scoring tool? Tracking new studies or perinatal history? No problem – NeoData will allow you to add these data points to the screen and begin tracking them in mere minutes.
Reporting: Your daily notes (admission, progress, discharge) are highly customizable, as are the report sheets used for turnover.
Want to rearrange the order of information? Need to add new data points? Font, format or layout require changing? Barcodes, logos or imprint areas are needed? All of those are user-configurable.
Screen Layout:
List Configuration: Every selection list in NeoData is user-customizable. Entries can be added or removed, default entries can be changed, or brand new lists can be created.
Behavior: NeoData literally has hundreds of configuration options which allows users the ability to tweak the way NeoData behaves in order to fit their needs.
Custom Development: In addition to all of these built-in customization options, we can develop individualized features based on your special requirements. In this case, we offer customization services on a per-hour basis. If you have a feature in mind and want a cost estimate on building it out reach out to our sales team and they can work with you on pricing.
Data Analysis
NeoData includes a powerful and flexible Query and Reports Module which allows you to rapidly create a variety of user-defined queries (data searches) and reports (formatted and customized printouts of query results). With this feature, you can review and analyze patient information stored in the NeoData database directly from within the program. Once configured, queries can be stored for repeated use.
In addition, queries can be exported to Microsoft Access for outside analysis.
There are different types of reports that can be generated by the Query Module
Spreadsheet Report: A Spreadsheet Report creates a vertical list of patients or admissions with information for a single patient displayed on each line.

Statistics Report: In a Statistics Report, each cell in the report table displays statistical information pertaining to the patients or admissions. A typical example would be a crosstabulation of admission outcomes versus birth weight ranges.

Multiline Report: Like a Spreadsheet Report, a Multiline Report creates a vertical list of the patients or admissions, however, the information for each patient or admission can include one or more subreports containing supplemental information such as medications, lab results, diagnoses, procedures, and more.

Query Module Training
NeoData has built in help that contains detailed documentation on how to use the query and reports module, and it also ships with a number of example reports. If, however, you would like more extensive training, we have downloadable classes available for $750 per site.
This will authorize a site to download the videos and class outline and use them for an unlimited number of students, for an unlimited length of time.
Onsite training is also available if interested. Contact Isoprime Sales to discuss pricing.
The core NeoData HL7 Interface can be used to receive admission data, maternal/delivery data, and labs along with sending notes back to the hospital system in a variety of forms.
The Daily Data Interface is used to import data from nursing systems such as daily weights, lengths, vitals, and I/O totals. Further information on the interfaces is available on our Interfaces page.
More Info
If you need more information, have any questions about NeoData, or would like to request a demo version please Contact Us.