NeoData Interfaces

NeoData can communicate easily with other hospital systems. The NeoData HL7 Interface can be used to receive admission data, maternal data, and labs along with vitals and nursing data. The interface can also send notes back to the hospital system in a variety of forms.

The NeoData HL7 Module is an optional add-on component to NeoData.  For more information on costs please see our Pricing & Ordering page.

Admissions (ADT)

The admissions (ADT) interface is able to receive basic admission and maternal data from the central hospital system.  

When an admission comes in from the hospital system is is available to the user for import on the New Patient or Change Admission Info screens.


The Labs interface is able to receive chemistry labs from the central hospital system. 

Any chemistry value that is tracked in NeoData can be received by NeoData (currently imaging and micro labs cannot be received through the interface).

Birth Data

The admission information sent by the hospital system typically contains a very small subset of the information that is tracked by NeoData on the pregnancy and  birth record related to the NICU patient.  However, systems used in the Labor and Delivery department can send much more of that information.   As a result the NeoData HL7 Module can receive over 80 additional data elements from these L&D systems and load them into the NeoData database.


NeoData provides the ability to generate electronic versions of patient notes and save them as files.  These files can be in different formats such as RTF,  PDF, and HTML.  Some NeoData users generate these files and then import them into their hospital system for storage (typically referred to as a ‘Cold Feed’) or even for electronic signatures.

However, HL7 also provides a standard for exchanging patient notes.  The NeoData HL7 Interface provides a means to send the text of a Patient Note directly to the hospital system, either as a draft or signed, authenticated document.

Other HL7

NeoData also provides cababilities for sending Diagnosis Reporting and Immunization Records via the HL7 Interface.

New interfaces are being constantly developed.  If you require an HL7 Interface that you don’t see here contact us for a a development estimate.

Other Exports

In addition to the interfaces listed NeoData also has the ability to export patient files directly (for import into other NeoData systems), CDA documents, Discharge Instructions, Patient Education Resources, and more.

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